34 thoughts on “CLOSED-DBQ 2

    1. I loved your impromptu speech! I saw a lot of strengths within it! Some of them were the energy you brought to the speech, being very relatable, and being honest. I would love to acquire your energy and your ability to tie the ending up without it being awkward. A similarity I saw in it was when you mentioned anxiety and blanking out. This is also a fear of mine.

    2. HI I enjoyed how honest and vulnerable you were as well. I felt actually more at ease for when I do my speech. I also think that just blanking out would be scary. You also spoke really clearly and well.

    3. I also have a fear of forgetting what I was going to say, even though it still happens! I like how you use visuals to help distract from yourself and it makes people look somewhere else other than just starring at you. That is defiantly the worst part of giving a speech everyone is just starring at you and your every move. In this speech you seemed very confident and I loved how you smiled during it, it felt very welcoming!

    4. This was a great speech and I liked how you mentioned having fear despite having many experiences with public speaking. You seem very confident and welcoming which made it enjoyable to listen to. I have noticed that the anxiety of blanking out during your speech is definitely a common worry, and I can relate.

    5. I really enjoyed watching your speech! I think it is very common for almost anyone to feel uncomfortable while standing in front of large groups, but I like what you do for preparation and this is very beneficial. You bring so much energy into your speech and are able to talk so clear, and this is something I find myself lacking at times. I love how open you are for feedback on how you can improve!! I strongly believe that there is always room for improvement when it comes to public speaking.

    6. Nice speech. I am in the same boat with you on the anxiety that public speaking can bring. Especially the part where you said that people are staring at you and you feel like they can see your weaknesses. I completely get that and it’s not like most of the audience is actually judging you in the way that you think they are, but it can sure feel like it.

    7. This was a fabulous speech! I loved how confident you delivered your words to the camera. It felt like you were actually speaking to an audience. I also strongly dislike public speaking, but I admire your ability to push through your uncomfort. You spoke very clearly and honestly in your video, which I really appreciated as a viewer!

    1. I definitely really appreciate and enjoy speaking with people who are more relaxed/chill communicators. I also totally understand how frustrating it is to be very prepared but because I am anxious it seems like I didn’t prepare. I thought you did a good job and spoke very clearly.

    2. I love how you try to have a calming tone and speak slowly. It defiantly helped bring me in and really listen to every word you were saying! I have an issue with speaking too fast and then I end up stuttering or forgetting what I was going to say next. I too don’t like when people are over aggressive when they talk because then it makes me shut down and not want to engage in conversation with them.

    3. I really aspire to be as calm as you are when you speak. I find myself talking fast and with a lot of energy at times because I get excited and forget to control it. I feel as though if I were to slow down my words sometimes I will forget what I was saying, or not have the patience. Definitely something to think about as I’m communicating with another.

    1. Your speech made me realize that maybe sometimes I don’t understand certain people because of the difference in communication style. This was very eye opening. I also understand your fear of not getting your point across. I think you spoke very calmly and slowly which really helped your point and was effective.

    2. The calm tone and pace of your speech was super helpful in being able to understand your thoughts on different communication styles. I hadn’t thought much about how information is received differently based on ones communication style. You mentioned not communicating as well when people use vague terms and I can definitely relate to that.

    1. Hi Caitlin!

      A lot of your points resonated with me as well. Specifically, I would also like to rely less on notes while taking this course. I feel like they can sometimes act as a failsafe for when I haven’t practiced enough. Which I think has ultimately curbed my ability to become a better speaker.

    1. Hi Julia!

      I totally feel the same way with my experience speaking in large groups. I definitely lack the skills of effectively talking in a large group. With this, I also feel like my public speaking skills have gotten worse since the pandemic, with even less opportunities to speak in a setting with lots of people.

    1. I can relate to you so much! I am an introvert as well and don’t do good talking in front of more than 4 people. I am hoping in this class I can practice on talking in front of others, even if it is just a camera, and get comfortable with giving speeches. I really liked your speech because it made me feel comfortable and you seemed like a natural speech giver.

    2. I definitely understand the fear of bombing it. It can be hard to move out of that space when you’re facing down a crowd of people, and it’s not easy to contend with. Like you said, being able to ignore people who are judging you for being nervous, or criticizing you for small mistakes aren’t worth your time. While it is important to be able to be comfortable with public speaking, it is equally important for the audience to remember everyone is a person and everyone has different fears and anxieties.

    3. I liked how honest you were in your speech, you admitted your discomfort with imperfection and I think that is important. We are able to fix any flaws in our writing as we go, but with public speaking, you need to leave room for those errors and accept that we are all human. I liked how you made this connection between speaking and writing, it made me realize that we can’t expect our voices to sound the same as our writing all the time.

    1. I love that you acknowledge that everyone is just as stressed as you are with classroom presentations. Very true. I also like that you note the difference between one-on-one or small group communications vs. having to present and speak to a large group in a non-conversational setting. That’s a huge distinction that not everyone understands, especially extroverts with less worry about these situations. Using humor to diffuse tension is a great tool, and definitely a good way to make yourself more comfortable in the moment.

      1. Hi Wylie,
        I loved your presentation! I felt like your delivery was great: you spoke loudly, clearly and with confidence. Your eye contact was great. I liked your style technique of telling an ice breaker joke to put yourself and the audience at ease. I too, have issues with blanking out about what I am going to say, but I think that with enough rehearsal, you could overcome that issue. I also wanted to mention that I experienced a timing issue for this project, so I went back to my speech, cut a few statements, and then timed myself. Perhaps this method could help you figure out your pacing for time allotment requirements as well. Altogether, great work!

    2. I really liked the point you made about easing the tension by making a joke. It definitely sounds like a good way to ease not only your own nerves but also just relax the atmosphere a little. I also tend to get off topic and ramble when I present so I completely hear you on that one. It sounds like you’ve found a good strategy that works for you with always have a note or something to read from though so that’s good!

    3. I can relate to the way that you can sense that everyone else in the room is nervous as well as you are when you’re about to present something. I always feel this way too and I also tend to try and crack jokes because it’s a really big confidence booster when you can get a room to laugh at something that you said.

    1. Hi Beanie,

      I enjoyed watching your presentation. Your invention was good-it is important for the audience to understand what you are there to talk about! For a nervous person like myself, it was wonderful to witness your comfort level with public speaking. Your flexibility to sense the crowd’s vibes and react to them is a great skill. However, I do agree that perhaps with more emphasis on structure and practice, your presentations will have additional impact! Great job.

    2. I am very envious of that fact that you are able to just improvise a speech! That is definitely one of the strengths that I am hoping to acquire because I do not share that same skill at all. It seems to really work for you though and I think it makes you seem more personal in your communication style. Overall, I really like your delivery and I think if you maybe made just a rough outline or just wrote down a little of what you want to say it could really help with the saying “um” issue, speaking from personal experience!

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