Here are some questions that have been popping up.  Let’s see if this helps:
Q: Where do you we respond to the first post (Week 1 DBQ 1)? 
A: Do to DBQ 1–all you need to do is go to the Schedule and click on the hyperlink for DBQ 1.  it should take you to this post:
Just click on the word COMMENT and then respond by posting in the box and hitting POST COMMENT.
Q: Do you want us answering to this DBQ prompt on our own ePortfolios or answer on the course’s site? 
A: Answer the DBQs on the course site in the designated DBQ spots.
Q: How do I post to a DBQ?  How do I respond to my peers?  
A: You’ll make an ORIGINAL POST to respond to my DBQ questions (POST COMMENT).  You’ll make a RESPONSE to your peers’ ORIGINAL POSTS (Click on your peers Original Post and respond).
Q: I posted but I can’t see my posted on the DBQ.  What’s up with that?
A: I moderate the posts and need I approve comments manually.  I’m pretty good at approving them so they appear between the hours of 7am and 11pm.  If you post, trust me, it will be there when I approve the comment.